
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2020

How to stop your man emotionally pulling away from you

Imagine this: you feel you are in a good relationship, in fact, you don’t worry about any problems for months on end. Then, out of nowhere, he is no longer as attentive as he used to be, the phone calls are shorter, the texts are less frequent, and you just feel that something is wrong. Naturally, you try even harder to include him throughout daily life, but is that the right thing to do? A quick phone call or a few texts may seem harmless, but they could be making the problem worse. You could be setting yourself up for a major fail and will end up doing the exact opposite of what you were originally trying to do. To prevent that disaster, you should read, “ Text Chemistry ”, an informative eBook with details and advice regarding decisions you need to make, have already made, and if they could be right or wrong, in regards to the world of texting. Men can feel very insecure and vulnerable at times, and sometimes just need time to themselves to be on their own. Being a completely o...

8 Ways to Get Your Boyfriend Back

After two years of dating, you unexpectedly hear the words that you never thought you would hear: “It’s over”. The words don’t register in your mind, you can’t stand it, and you want him back more than anything else! What are you going to do? Texting and emailing won’t suffice, you need to understand and hear an explanation as to what went wrong and why. After some time to console yourself, you try to think back on any reason as to why this happened the way it did. You begin to ask yourself, “Was it me? Did I do something to cause the break-up?” But it goes deeper than that, look at your inner self and reflect on, let’s say, the past six months. Could you have done things differently? Let’s find out. Below, find several points that you should address to help you find answers. Remember, these are simply guidelines, but if you can look deep within yourself, you will find the answers to getting your relationship back! 1.) Firstly, you both need your own alone time. You need time and space...

How to get a guy to “Chase” you

If you want a guy to chase you, it comes down to more than how you look. It is about how you conduct yourself when you’re with him. Of course, we all know that you aren’t going to jump into the sack once you get together, that’s way too easy, you’ve got to play the game and enjoy yourself first. Take control of the situation; he obviously wants to get into bed with you, but what will happen after? He’ll simply view you as an easy contest and will just use you for that reason, or once seeing that you gave in so easily, avoid you altogether as he already got what he wanted without much fun in trying. The “chase” is what makes a man hungry for you. When he’s aware that there is someone out there that wants him, but isn’t so easily available, it will make him want to pursue you even more than before. He will continue to play this game until he wins, but in doing so, there is where you need to shine—personality wise. You’re a clever woman, you know what’s going on, and you know that you alw...